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The Normal Ranks

Golem_Leader - June 1st, 2023

Tourist - Just visiting! Apply for Citizen today:

Citizen - The first playable rank!

- 1 row pv: A personal backpack! Do /pv 1

- The McMMO Mining Skill

- Access to Aqua Eden (/warp aqua)

- Access to most events on the server (usually /warp event or a specific warp, like /warp halloween)

Forester - 5 Hours of Ontime (/ontime)

You must also put a post in the "Forester Application" section of the forums.

- McMMO Woodcutting

- Grow Wool Trees using a dye on a sapling!

- Use Chestshops and visit the Market! (/warp market)

Biologist - 10 Hours of Ontime

You must also build a fountain in WaterHub, accessed through the Lighthouse on the livemap.

- McMMO Fishing and Herbalism

- Access to /fish and advanced fishing!

- Access to the Brewery Plugin!

Archaeologist - 15 Hours of Ontime

You must also dig your own grave at FireHub, accessed through the Volcano on the livemap.

- 2 Rows of your PV!

- McMMO Acrobatics and Excavation!

Explorer - 20 Hours of Ontime

You must also build a garden at EarthHub, accessed through the Great Oak on the livemap.

- McMMO Taming and Unarmed

Engineer - 25 Hours of Ontime

You must also build a balloon or ship at WindHub, accessed through the Traveling City.

- Repair, Smelting, and Alchemy McMMO skills

SkyPilot - 30 Hours of Ontime

You must also make a statue of yourself at Skymoria, accessed through SkyMinia.

- McMMO Axes and Swords

- Access to /tpa

- Access to Cannons

- Access to the Creative World (/warp creative)

- Access to furniture

To check playtime, you can use /seen or /ontime. Then, when you're ready, ask a helper or staff member to rank you up! Don't be discouraged if we say it needs a touch more- we just know you can do better.

Of course, there are ranks after Sky Pilot...
