Mid-May Event 2024
Golem_Leader - May 15th, 2024
Greetings, Sky Eden! We're back with some old and some new!
This year, in between Easter and Pride and 'Punk, we wanted to push out some things that have been on the docket for a while. There are still some changes to be finalized before a big summer event (!), but we'll see those soon, too.
Without further ado, let's get into the changelog!
- Voting is now mostly functional. PlanetMinecraft still isn't fully ready. This also means the VIP lounge is available for use again.
- Originally pointed out by Ambrose, a certain quest NPC wasn't working properly, and is now.
- Added a new Hall of Fortune! Those that are winners of significant events will be added to the hall of fortune, which can be accessed in Bracketburgh.
- Added a custom birthday plugin! Find out more here.
- SkyWars has been overhauled, and a new map is on the way in 1.21! Players can now autonomously play games, so long as the minimum player count is met. There are also (very basic) rewards, which will be shaped in the future! You can get to the SkyWars maps with /warp skywars.
- Removed Herobrine
Unlike other events, this one doesn't really end, seeing as all of the features are permanent. This is more of an update in that regard, but random QoL. I hope you enjoy!
Golem_Leader, owner